Developer Reikon Games have released the new Annihilation Update to their critically-acclaimed shooter Ruiner for free on PC, Xbox One, and PlayStation 4.
The game’s final update includes a new Arena Mode + online leaderboards and an accompaniment of finishing moves, outfits, and gameplay updates. Ruiner’s Annihilation Update is available now on all platforms with a 50 percent off discount on PC and PlayStation 4 while a 50 percent off discount on Xbox One arrives in March.
Ruiner’s Xbox One and PlayStation 4 Annihilation Update also includes the previous PC-only Savage Update that added in a New Game+ Mode, Speedrun Mode, and new weapons, finishing moves and outfits as well.
Official Website: http://www.ruinergame.com
Steam: http://store.steampowered.com/app/464060/
“Annihilation Update” Trailer:
“Savage Update” Trailer: