A weapon is a hero’s instrument to enforce the righteous cause – to vanquish the dark forces that taint the land of all that is pure and good. Today Underbite Games has revealed the armory available to Super Dungeon Tactics‘ eclectic cast of mighty heroes.
From melee weapons of both the bladed and blunt variety to long-distance projectiles and the magically charged, weapons in Super Dungeon Tactics offer unique attacks that make them extremely versatile in combat. Weapon stats include attack speed, damage, range, area of effect and status effect. There are three core rarities of weapons – common, rare and mystic – in addition to special uniques that offer exciting benefits to the heroes (or baddies) who wield them.
Each hero in Super Dungeon Tactics is proficient in two weapons, and no hero shares the same combination! New weapons can be found throughout your quest within the most dangerous dungeons.
The full list of weapon types is as follows:
- ● Dagger
- ● Sword
- ● Axe
- ● Lance/Spear
- ● Hammer/Mace
- ● Greatsword
- ● Bow
- ● Crossbow
- ● Staff
Official Website: http://www.superdungeontactics.com
Official Blog (Weapon Types): http://www.superdungeontactics.com/#!Weapon