Paradox Interactive, a publisher of games and big fans of The Crystal Method, today introduced a variety of changes to Magicka: Wizard Wars, the online competitive multiplayer game where misspelling is deadly.
Currently available on Steam Early Access, players of Magicka: Wizard Wars now have access to a Magicks Screen for their in-game wizard, where they can unlock powerful new Magicks to wield in battle.
Gameplay will reward players with crystals forged of pure elements, and crystals can be used to unlock Magick spells to use on foes (and probably friends) in matches – such as the Mighty Hail, a massive ice bombardment that freezes a wide area and any wizards unlucky enough to be standing within it.
Alongside the newly added Magicks Screen, wintry content has also been added by way of holiday-spirited Imps, snowy backdrops, and the ability to equip snowballs as a weapon, which will freeze enemies dead in their tracks. What holiday is complete without a stressed out imp running you down? It sure beats shopping!
The new content in Magicka: Wizard Wars has been lovingly and bafflingly crafted by the robe enthusiasts at Paradox North, a recently formed development team within Paradox Interactive. A new video has been released by the team to allow players to really get to know them and the innards of Wizard Wars better, and see what life is like one floor above the Paradox Interactive office. Wizards curious to see that floor with their own two eyes will be glad to hear that Paradox North is hiring.
In Magicka: Wizard Wars, two teams of four wizards each can go head-to-head in intense player-versus-player (PvP) action, utilizing the celebrated spellcasting system of Magicka, combining elements to generate spellbinding results.
In true Magicka fashion, friendly fire is always on, and hundreds of spells are always at a mage’s fingertips, with victory going to the wizards who are slightly less antagonistic towards their allies. With short battles, skill-based spellcasting, and plenty of humor, Magicka: Wizard Wars presents a new way to experience the chaos of Magicka and PvP gaming with friends and foes alike.
Official Website: http://www.wizardwars.com
Paradox North Video Bio: