Typing of the Dead: OverKill – Filth of the Dead DLC Now Available

Typing of the Dead: OverKill – Filth of the Dead DLC Now Available

The f-bomb is dropped so often in Typing of the Dead: OverKill, Sega is worried that gamers may be becoming a little desensitised to the word. So to switch things up a bit, Sega is pleased to announce the Filth of the Dead Lexicon Pack for Typing of the Dead: OverKill, featuring some of the most colourful language ever featured in a DLC pack for a typing based mutant blaster.

Priced at £1.99/$2.99/€2.49, Filth of the Dead is out now and replaces all of the words and phrases in Typing of the Dead: OverKill with terrible innuendo, outrageous insults and even some slurs in Polish. If you’ve ever wanted to type phrases like ‘Poo protest’ to repel hordes of flesh eating mutants, this is the DLC for you.

Official Website: http://www.sega.com
Steam: http://store.steampowered.com/app/246580/


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