Valve, creators of best-selling games (such as Dota 2, Half-Life, Left 4 Dead, Portal, and Team Fortress) and leading technologies (such as Steam and Source), today announced a $250,000 community-funded prize pool for The 2013 DreamHack SteelSeries Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (CS:GO) Championship.
The CS:GO crowd-funding initiative began several weeks ago with the release of The Arms Deal Update, which offers players in the community special in-game items. A portion of the sales revenue from those items is then placed into a tournament prize fund.
Through this initiative, The 2013 DreamHack SteelSeries CS:GO Championship will be one of the largest cash awards in Counter-Strike’s history and the initiative is designed to help fuel prize pools at other upcoming CS:GO events.
Hosted in Jonkoping, Sweden, DreamHack is to date the world’s largest digital festival, and holds the official world record as world’s largest LAN party in the Guinness Book of Records.
Steam: http://store.steampowered.com/app/730/
Official Blog: http://blog.counter-strike.net/armsdeal/
DreamHack: http://www.dreamhack.se/dhw13/