Look out in the hen house! Ratloop Asia, an independent publisher and developer of high quality, innovative games, today launched its cinematic platform adventure game, Rocketbirds: Hardboiled Chicken on PlayStation Vita. With a variety of unique new features including new chapters, puzzles, and plenty of fowl humor, Rocketbirds: Hardboiled Chicken is rated “16” by USK and “12” by PEGI and will retail for €7.99 or £6.49.
The current PS3 version has been amped up for the PS Vita and notable differences from the PlayStation 3 game include tilting screens, both Ad-Hoc and Online co-op and two difficulty settings. The Vita version has a new end boss as well as improved graphics – several chapters have been modified to improve both graphics and flow.
Players who have already launched into Rocketbirds on the PlayStation 3 will be rewarded with two additional co-op characters, Sniper Budgie and Agent H – the bird behind the sci-fi rock band New World Revolution. To thank the fans who bought the PlayStation 3 game, Ratloop Asia will give them a 20% discount when they buy the Vita game and PlayStation Plus users should be on the watch for special offers on Rocketbirds.
Sandra Pondaag, a spokesperson for Ratloop Asia that hails from the Netherlands, is especially proud to launch the game in Europe. “The game is clearly influenced by the American ‘80s movies we watched when we were kids, as well as European comics that we read. The sarcastic undertone and the impact of war on everyone involved in it is a second layer that was very important for me and gives the game and story more depth.
Of course players can see Rocketbirds as a fun action adventure where the main character who was brainwashed in the past by the Penguins, wants revenge and destroy the evil regime, but we wanted to put in hints that the “baddies” are not what they seem. The penguin soldiers are reluctantly doing their job, Il Putzki doesn’t want to be an oppressor but was put in this leadership position due to his family history. He probably just wanted to become an actor and be loved by everyone!”
In Rocketbirds: Hardboiled Chicken for PS Vita, players will take control of Hardboiled Chicken, the original Coq of War (a chicken so tough, he survived being boiled as a fetus), to lead the rebellion against the draconian penguin oppressors to overthrow their hold on Albatropolis! It’s an old-school cinematic action-adventure set in the Rocketbirds universe, a world filled with some despicable and often violent birds.
The game sports jetpacking sections, stab-action in the Hardboiled difficulty setting, mind controlling brainbugs, some pretty nifty PS Vita controls, sweet music videos and an Ad-Hoc / Online cooperative mode with its own separate campaign!
The single player campaign in Rocketbirds: Hardboiled Chicken takes players through 15 chapters of Penguin destruction. For the PS Vita version, Ratloop has wired the screens to the built-in motion sensors, so players can tilt the detailed, non-scrolling screens at will.
Official Website: http://rocketbirds.com