Posts Tagged ‘Grasshopper’
killer7 – Now Available on Steam
Posted by DaRipp3r on November 15, 2018 under Euro, News, PCRoam the dark underworld in a web of revenge and danger in killer7, available to play on Steam now! Ported at 60 FPS and 16:9 aspect ratio, this timeless visual style feels at home on modern machines. With riveting twists and turns in its iconic storytelling, you'll want to be wary of what's lurking around the corner... See what we mean in the Launch Trailer! Wipe off the monstrous grin of ... more. -
Sine Mora EX – “Local Co-op” Teaser Trailer
Posted by DaRipp3r on August 8, 2017 under Euro, News, PC, PS4, Switch, Xbox OneRelease the kraken, or, in the world of Sine Mora EX, the Senteniel Hexapus Kolobok! Sine Mora EX, the extended version of the critically acclaimed original Sine Mora, is out now on PC, Xbox One and PlayStation 4 on August 8th, 2017. The version for Nintendo Switch will follow later this summer. The game will be available as digital download for PC, Xbox One and PlayStation 4. A retail versi... more. -
Sine Mora – Coming to Playstation Network
Posted by DaRipp3r on June 21, 2012 under Euro, News, Portables, PS3Arguably one of the greatest shmups to come to this console generation, Sine Mora is looking to steal hearts again on PlayStation Network. Sine Mora is the genre-defining creation of Digital Reality and Grasshopper Manufacture, and it’s rife with laser spray, bullet-time madness, insane power-ups and epic boss battles. PSN junkies will soon be dodging and destroying in one of this year’s gr... more. -
Sine Mora – Coming to Playstation Vita
Posted by DaRipp3r on June 4, 2012 under Euro, News, Portables, Xbox 360Sine Mora may very well have redefined the shmup genre with loads of character and exquisite presentation, and now it’s spreading its wings to PlayStation Vita, so more players can experience the combined genius of Digital Reality and Grasshopper Manufacture’s digital opus. Arriving soon, Sine Mora is set to blow minds yet again for an entirely new audience. “When you’ve got a grea... more. -
Sine Mora – Now Available
Posted by DaRipp3r on March 21, 2012 under News, Xbox 360Sine Mora by Digital Reality and Grasshopper Manufacture sets itself as the premiere, highly-flying shoot ‘em up exclusively on Xbox LIVE Arcade for the Xbox 360 video game and entertainment system from Microsoft. Soaring through vivid scenes of some of the most unique and beautiful art direction from Grasshopper Manufacture, Sine Mora is a challenging high-flyer that’ll have players be... more. -
Sine Mora – From Dust to Dust Trailer
Posted by DaRipp3r on February 27, 2012 under News, Xbox 360Sine Mora, the highly-anticipated shmup from Digital Reality and Grasshopper Manufacture coming exclusively to Xbox LIVE® Arcade for the Xbox 360® video game and entertainment system from Microsoft, will be heading to XBLA gamers everywhere on March 21, 2012 for 1,200 Microsoft Points. Sine Mora caters for all audiences with its varied levels of challenge, but one thing is for sure: reg... more. -
Sine Mora – Designs By Anime Creator Mahiro Maeda
Posted by DaRipp3r on January 31, 2012 under News, Xbox 360Sine Mora to Feature Mechanical Boss Designs by One of the Most Prominent Japanese Anime Creators, Mr. Mahiro Maeda Sine Mora, the beautiful dieselpunk shmup by Digital Reality and Grasshopper Manufacture, is one of the most visually stunning titles coming to Xbox Live to date. Beyond its thrilling, high-flying gameplay, much of Sine Mora’s greatness is thanks to the intricately design... more. -
Sine Mora – New Gameplay Trailer
Posted by DaRipp3r on January 20, 2012 under News, Xbox 360Check out the brand new, never-before-seen trailer for Digital Reality’s upcoming arcade shooter, Sine Mora, coming exclusively to Xbox LIVE Arcade later this year. Co-developed by Grasshopper Manufacture. (Japan) and Digital Reality (Hungary) and published by Microsoft Studios, Sine Mora is diesel-punk shoot 'em up that provides a unique take on the genre, where time is the ultimate fac... more.
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