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  • Hegemony Rome: The Rise of Caesar – Launching May 15th on Steam

    Posted by on May 10, 2014 under Euro, News, PC
    Prepare to finish your epic campaign in the name of Rome and fulfill the grand ambitions of Julius Caesar, as Hegemony Rome: The Rise of Caesar is leaving Steam Early Access and will be released as the final version. The historical Strategy title focusing on the early campaigns and conquests of Julius Caesar across Europe will be available via digital download on May 15th, and as a boxed reta... more.
  • Final Fantasy III – Coming Soon to Steam

    Posted by on May 10, 2014 under Euro, News, PC
    Square Enix, the publisher of Square Enix interactive entertainment products in the Americas, today announced Final Fantasy III is coming soon to Steam. The Steam version of Final Fantasy III has been optimized for PC gaming with new and improved 3D visuals and story sequences, and will include Steam Trading Cards and Achievements, along with new visual designs for the Job Mastery Cards. Fin... more.
  • Malevolence: The Sword of Ahkranox – Now Available on Steam Early Access

    Posted by on May 10, 2014 under Euro, News, PC
    Enter the world of Ahkranox - the first ever genuinely infinite first person roguelike. Become the incarnate form of a magical, sentient Sword, protecting a realm of dreams from the shadows of its own tormented soul, and stand as an eternal guardian against the infinite darkness that threatens to consume all. In development since 2010 and meticulously inspired by the classic RPG experiences of ... more.
  • XSEED Games Confirms Dual Audio for Akiba’s Trip: Undead & Undressed

    Posted by on May 9, 2014 under Euro, News, Portables, PS3
    XSEED Games, the independent-minded console publishing brand of Marvelous USA, today confirmed that Akiba’s Trip: Undead & Undressed, currently being localized for the PlayStation 3 computer entertainment system and PlayStation Vita handheld entertainment system, is the company’s largest voice-over project to date with nearly 10,000 lines recorded for its English-language debut. The publ... more.
  • XSEED Games Confirms Dual Audio for Akiba’s Trip: Undead & Undressed

    Posted by on May 9, 2014 under Euro, News, Portables, PS3
    XSEED Games, the independent-minded console publishing brand of Marvelous USA, today confirmed that Akiba’s Trip: Undead & Undressed, currently being localized for the PlayStation 3 computer entertainment system and PlayStation Vita handheld entertainment system, is the company’s largest voice-over project to date with nearly 10,000 lines recorded for its English-language debut. The pu... more.
  • Age of Wonders 3 (Review) PC

    Posted by on May 9, 2014 under PC, Reviews
    Originally launched during the late 1990’s, Age of Wonders took the PC gaming world by storm with its 3D turn-based, strategy orientated gameplay. It was unlike anything gamers had ever seen before. After thirteen long years, we finally receive the third edition in the Age of Wonders franchise. Even after all these years, Triumph Studios never lost sight of what made Age of Wonders such a brilli... more.
  • Tropico 5 – Feature Trailer #2 “Multiplayer”

    Posted by on May 9, 2014 under Euro, Mac, News, PC, PS4, Xbox 360
    Tropico is the land of opportunity: a blank slate where any political ideal or mad inspiration can be made possible. The debut of multiplayer in Tropico 5 means you can finally inflict all these ideas upon your friends – whatever they may be! Will you forge a socialist utopia built on the love and support of your fellow friends? Or stamp out your cohorts one-by-one and rise above the ashes of... more.
  • Magicka: Wizard Wars – Open Beta Launching May 27th

    Posted by on May 9, 2014 under Euro, Mac, News, PC
    Paradox Interactive and Paradox North today announced that Magicka: Wizard Wars, the online competitive multiplayer game of misdirected magic, is going to begin an Open Beta phase on May 27. Currently available via Steam Early Access, Magicka: Wizard Wars will be playable for free by those who demonstrate a lack of self-preservation instinct when the title enters its Open Beta phase. Robe enthu... more.
  • Magicka: Wizard Wars – Open Beta Launching May 27th

    Posted by on May 9, 2014 under Euro, Mac, News, PC
    Paradox Interactive and Paradox North today announced that Magicka: Wizard Wars, the online competitive multiplayer game of misdirected magic, is going to begin an Open Beta phase on May 27. Currently available via Steam Early Access, Magicka: Wizard Wars will be playable for free by those who demonstrate a lack of self-preservation instinct when the title enters its Open Beta phase. Robe e... more.
  • Dragons and Titans – Adventure Mode Revealed

    Posted by on May 9, 2014 under Euro, Mac, News, PC
    Indie developer, Wyrmbyte, released a new trailer today highlighting the benefits of playing in Adventure Mode, a single player campaign in the newly released MOBA (multiplayer online battle arena), Dragons and Titans. In addition to flying Dragons, faster match times and unique RPG elements, Adventure Mode is one of the key features that sets the game a part from other similar MOBAs out there.... more.