Anna: Extended Edition – Coming to Xbox 360 September 23rd

Anna: Extended Edition – Coming to Xbox 360 September 23rd

An abandoned old sawmill found deep in the dark of the Italian mountains might seem like the home of some terrible horror, but the greatest threat to you there is the one found in the very depths of your mind. Face up to the horrors of your past, as the acclaimed horror puzzle game Anna – Extended Edition is coming to Xbox LIVE for the Xbox 360 videogame and entertainment system from Microsoft on September 23rd.

Created by Italian developer Dreampainters, and previously released on PC, Anna is a first-person horror adventure that explores the darkest depths of the human psyche. Uncover clues, solve puzzles and explore a beautifully chilling setting for the first time on console.

Anna is a first-person horror adventure that explores the darkest depths of the human psyche. Set in an abandoned sawmill nestled high in the Italian mountains, Anna challenges the player to uncover horrific clues and use them to solve puzzles related to your character’s dark past.  The player’s behavior does not only determine the mental health of the main character but can also change locations and unveil new secrets leading to one of three possible endings.

Anna – Extended Edition has been given an overhaul based on the feedback of the thousands of players of the original Anna. It features more environments, more hours of game play, more puzzles, additional gameplay features, enhanced graphics and an improved interface. Anna – Extended Edition is sure to please fans of psychological horror games such as Amnesia or Silent Hill and impress with the upgraded graphics and sound.


  • A haunting tale of psychological terror
  • Physics-based environmental puzzles
  • Three possible endings, each determined by the player’s action
  • New environments, puzzles, interface and music
  • Improved Graphics
  • New in game character: “The Wife Doll” with own AI
  • New Game Over state

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