The great news for all simulation fans is that European Ship Simulator is available on Steam from today. This release is different to our usual ones though. Before we publish the boxed retail version in the spring of 2015 at £29.99, we are issuing an Early Access version on Steam (the digital download site for PC, Linux and Mac).
If you are not familiar with Steam (think of it as iTunes for video games). The Early Access version is a fully working early version of the finished product. Between late November and the end of February 2015, we will listen to users’ feedback regarding what they like and dislike about the game and what other features they’d like to see added.
European Ship Simulator will then receive updates to the code which will continually enhance the content with the addition of new ships, ports, a mission editor and Steam Achievements. By investing in the game as an Early Access version, you will pay just £11.24 for the first week and just £14.99 thereafter instead of the finished product price of £29.99.
Official Website: http://www.excalibur-publishing.com/games/european-ship-simulator/
Steam: http://store.steampowered.com/app/299250
Gameplay Footage: