Hairy Tales (Review) Mac

Hairy Tales (Review) Mac
Review Score:

Looking for a puzzle game with excitement? Hairy Tales by Arges Systems is your answer. You play a group of folk spirits that are not too smart with wacky hair who need to get to the exit portal. In order to get there, you must make your way through many obstacles including spikes, corruptions, falling off platforms, and kill creatures (including the Kikimoras).

Hairy Tales opens with 3 levels; 01-forest, 02-Dessert, 03-Swamp. Once you start a level, you will see a honeycomb design that will show the different puzzles that are locked.

When you have completed a level or skipped it, more will be unlocked. If you can’t complete a level, you have the ability to skip it and go back to it at another time.

When you finish, you will see your score and how much of the corruption you have cleared. You can go back and re-play the level again to clear more of the corruption. You can also skip levels when you get frustrated. When you come back to play, you will be able to see the levels that you have cleared or skipped as well as their names.

Each level will have how much you have cleared and 0-3 mushrooms in the background. To play the game, you will need to move and spin pieces around to get to the exit portal. There are arrows that will tell your character which direction to go. Fences can be used to guide your hairy away from deadly falls and allow you to change his path. There are also portals that will allow you to jump from one section to another.

To move the pieces, you must grab them with your mouse and drag them to where you want them to go. Not all platforms are movable. You can rotate them, but if they appear red when you click on them, they can’t be moved. As you progress into the higher levels, the tougher it gets.

When you first open the game, you will be presented with four choices; Play, Options, About, and Quit.

The Options menu allows you to change your screen resolution (10 choices); Graphics will adjust the quality of detail (6 choices ranging from Simple to Fantastic); and Music and Sound will change the in-game volume.

Hairy Tales is a fun game that allows the player to be very creative in how they reach the exit portal. The ability to skip levels when you are frustrated is a great addition. It gives the player the ability to move on and then go back when they are ready to attempt it again.

I found myself very challenged as I attempted to complete some of the higher levels. I tried moving fences and even moving pieces as the Hairy walked over some of them to get to the exit portal. The sound of the “Hairys” falling off the platform adds a bit of humor when you fail. If you love puzzles games with a bit of action, let your hair down and get creative.

Developer: Arges Systems
Publisher: Arges Systems
Price: $4.99

Arges Systems’ Website

Review Score
Graphics are cartoonish but fit the game very well.
Background sound does not distract from the game. The sound of when the Hairy fall off platforms will bring a smile to your face.
Very intuitive; the 3 lives before resetting the levels give some leeway to figuring out how to make it to the exit portal.
An excellent game for the whole family. Younger kids may need help with the harder levels, but a great challenge for anyone.
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