After a long wait, Tomba! is finally available on the European PlayStation Network in the PS one Classics section for £6.99, €7.99. It’s also downloadable for PS Vita.
Garnering universally positive reviews and high prices due to its rarity, Tomba! was the brainchild of Tokuro Fuijiwara, known for his creation of the Ghosts’n Goblins series as well as the producer of the Mega Man series.
“Tomba! is a title that completely fits the mold of MonkeyPaw Games: unique retro, fun gameplay and a rare find. It’s being sold at prices more expensive than gaming systems these days. That, in itself, is proof that Tomba! still deserves your attention after all these years,” said John Greiner, President and CEO of MonkeyPaw Games. “We’re excited that fans will finally be able to play this legendary gem again, at home or on the go.”
Tomba! Screenshots: