The creators of Assassins Creed III shed some light on what it takes to redesign one of gamings most iconic franchises from the ground up. Part three in a four-part documentary series, Inside Assassins Creed III: Episode Three is all about Connor, the all-new hero of mixed British and Native American ancestry on a mission to save his homeland.
Get a behind the scenes look at what makes Connor the true hero behind the war and a sneak peek at the new combat and animation systems that will allow you to experience more intense, gut-wrenching battles than ever before.
Set against the backdrop of the American Revolution in the late 18th century, Assassins Creed III introduces a new hero, Ratohnhaké:ton, of Native American and English heritage. Adopting the name Connor, he becomes the new voice for justice in the ancient war between the Assassins and Templars.
Players become an Assassin in the war for liberty against ruthless tyranny in the most stylized and fluid combat experiences in the franchise to date.
Assassins Creed III spans the Revolutionary War, taking gamers from the vibrant, untamed frontier to bustling colonial towns and the intense, chaotic battlefields where George Washingtons Continental Army clashed with the imposing British Army.
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