Aksys Games pried open a mysterious chest and revealed new details about EXPERIENCE’s latest dungeon crawler, Mon-Yu: Defeat Monsters And Gain Strong Weapons And Armor. You May Be Defeated, But Don’t Give Up. Become Stronger. I Believe There Will Be A Day When The Heroes Defeat The Devil King, launching on PlayStation 5, Nintendo Switch and PC on September 21st, 2023.
With an emphasis on character creation, party optimization and good, ol’ fashioned turn-based combat, Mon-Yu: Defeat Monsters And Gain Strong Weapons And Armor. You May Be Defeated, But Don’t Give Up. Become Stronger. I Believe There Will Be A Day When The Heroes Defeat The Devil King celebrates the pioneering RPGs from the earliest days of videogames. The game features a plethora of adorable character portraits, tons of weapons and armor, and flexibility in skill point allocation so players can tweak their lineup to their heart’s content. Players also have the option to speed up combat so clearing dungeons never feels like a grind!