In Memory of Staff Member, James Pittaro (A.K.A Daripp3r)

In Memory of Staff Member, James Pittaro (A.K.A Daripp3r)

We must regrettably inform our readers that we lost an incredible man who belonged to our staff. My brother, James Pittaro, passed away recently from a massive heart attack. Some may remember his work as News Editor for PixelPerfectGaming over the past 13 years. He would also become our resident PC Editor-In-Chief, who would review PC game titles for us.

His reviews were popular and his opinions at times were controversial with our readers, but at the core of it – he gave his all to PixelPerfectGaming, our readers, the Video Game Industry at large, and to me without question.

Also being a computer tech and programmer by trade, Jim would be instrumental in the very early days of PPG, helping to build and program PPG as you see it today, with me by his side.

In real-life away from the keyboard, Jim was a loving brother and a kind, loving soul to all those who were around him. Rest in Peace my brother; you deserve it. I love you forever and will NEVER forget you. I just ask everyone who reads this to please say a silent prayer (or whatever may be appropriate for you) for Jim. He would give the shirt off his back or the last dollar in his pocket to help someone. He was that kind of man; incredible and unforgettable.

Until we meet again, bro’.

I love you so much and miss you dearly. You were the best brother I could have ever asked for, and then some. Amen.

Love, your brother – your best friend forever,
Mike Pittaro

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