The talented group at Lince Works created a game development studio and birthed a distinguished franchise in the ninja stealth genre. In this first Dev Diary, they dive into the origins of Lince Works, the creation of Aragami, and the evolution up until the development of Aragami 2.
From humble beginnings, the developers recall how the idea of founding the studio came about, what it was like to turn that project into a commercial title, the challenges and setbacks during the development, and the lessons learned from the experience. In this video, Lince Works explains the conception of the second title of the franchise, Aragami 2, their ambitions, and what they expect to accomplish in the sequel.
Lince Works’ first Aragami title was launched in 2016, a Tenchu-style stealth game that was able to revitalize the classic ninja genre by introducing unique gameplay mechanics that felt both challenging and fast for players. With a striking art style inspired by Japanese mythology and culture, Aragami positioned the studio in the global landscape with a well-accomplished ninja stealth game that would take the reigns within the genre. Since launch, Aragami has sold over 600,000 copies worldwide on all platforms — a remarkable accomplishment for their first self-published title considering the size of the studio.
The studio based in Barcelona is now working on developing Aragami 2, with the financial support of GameSeer, Media and the ICEC. The game is set to release in early 2021 on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox X and PC.
Dev Diary – Creating a Franchise: