Get ready to kick in some doors, because today KillHouse Games are thrilled to launch Door Kickers: Action Squad on both Xbox One and PlayStation 4! Door Kickers Action Squad will launch on Nintendo Switch October 28th, 2019.
‘’Action Squad is the game that you get when you mix our top down strategy title Door Kickers with an old school side scroller circa 1980-1990. Think Golden Axe, Dangerous Dave, Green Berets, but don’t think for one second we’re stuck in the past – we make games for the modern player and add our own ideas to the mix. And we’ve always meant the game to be played as informal as possible – easy to pickup, hard slash fun to master but also inviting to play at any time and in any context: Alone, with a friend online or a friend on your couch.
Obviously, there’s nothing more couch friendly and informal than playing on your console, and we’ve always known the game is headed there. The full Action Squad experience plus extra content and coolness we’ve added in the meantime is now available on PS4, XBox One and the Nintendo Switch.” says Dan Dimitrescu, game designer of the game series and bearer of the “I’ve seen Tape Loading Errors you wouldn’t believe” stare. No words of a Spectrum ZX version so far.
Door Kickers: Action Squad makes you think both tactically and strategically as you send your SWAT-like team to kick down the doors, blast the bad guys and rescue hostages in explosive Single Player and Co-op Multiplayer – with Couch play included. Launched in late 2018 on the PC and co-developed with PixelShard Labs, the game brings the full experience to consoles while also adding one new chapter with 12 new levels (The Slums) and a fun new playable character (the Off-Duty Guy). The new chapter and character will be available on PC as a free-for-all-players upgrade.
Door Kickers: Action Squad gets to have a limited edition boxed release as well, for Nintendo Switch and PlayStation®4 in partnership with Strictly Limited Games. In addition to the limited Standard Edition, there will also be an exclusive Collector’s Edition with 700 copies for PlayStation®4 and 1,500 copies for Nintendo Switch, which can also be ordered at www.strictlylimitedgames.com
TL;DR : Door Kickers Action Squad is now available on Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PC. It launches on Nintendo Switch October 28th,2019, and that’s in 4 days.
Release Date Trailer: