BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment America Inc. today released a new developer blog for its upcoming free-to-play title, Bless Unleashed. Learn more about the changes coming to combat as Lead Designer, Jeomsul Park highlights the key improvements being made to combat based on player feedback from previous closed betas. Speed, dodging, character reaction input and charge abilities are all discussed as key points of emphasis for improvements made to combat. For more information and to read the developer blog in full please visit: http://www.blessunleashed.com/news/new-combat-changes-coming-in-the-open-beta
Bless Unleashed features a rich backstory created with hardcore MMO players in mind. With deep combo-driven mechanics, player customization, and cooperative & competitive multiplayer, there is an endless amount of content and gameplay possibilities to keep players engaged. Developed using Unreal Engine 4, Bless Unleashed brings unparalleled visuals to a fully realized fantasy world, offering one of the most stunning MMORPGs produced for console players. In Bless Unleashed players adventure across an open persistent world where mythical beasts roam the land and player vs. player battles can take place at any time.
Official Website: https://www.bandainamcoent.com/games/bless-unleashed
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