Buckle up, ’cause Carnage is here. THQ Nordic and Bugbear Entertainment are happy to announce that Wreckfest is out now on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.
All players of the PC version are getting a massive free update, bringing the game up to par with the console versions.
Standard Edition: USD 39.99 / EUR 39.99 / GBP 34.99 / RUB 2,599 / AUD 59.95
Digital Deluxe Edition: USD 59.99 / EUR 59.99 / GBP 54.99 / RUB 3,599 / AUD 99.95
Don’t miss the Season Pass, available on both console and PC, including 20 new cars, 20 special roof decorations and additional car customizations like armor, rims and more. This new content will be released step by step after the release, along with free content updates.
Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/228380/
Release Trailer: