Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord – “Single-Player Campaign” Revealed

Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord – “Single-Player Campaign” Revealed

The difference between life and death, victory and defeat, glory, and misery, is as thin as your shadow, as sharp as your blade, as swift as your horse. The world is crumbling, and the spoils of its fall are at hand for men and women with wits, ambition and battle skills — people such as you. Your destiny is yours to decide. Will you find glory and write your name in the history of Calradia?

TaleWorlds Entertainment is excited to show, for the first time, the unique sandbox single-player campaign of Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord in a hands-on demo at Gamescom 2018.

In this demonstration, players will have total freedom to engage with the world of Mount & Blade in any manner they want. After choosing from a selection of premade character builds that represent some, but not all the possibilities that will be available in Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord, they will be allowed to move freely to do whatever they want, experiencing one of the most immersive sandbox worlds ever created. Exploring, trading, hunting down bandits, fighting in tournaments, meeting many different characters and taking quests — you get to decide your own destiny… As long as you’re strong enough to enforce your will with your blade.

Key Features to be showcased for the first time in Gamescom:

  • Completely revamped UI that makes it easy to access the deep gameplay mechanics
  • New Character Progression System with 18 skills and hundreds of unique perks
  • New and gorgeous campaign map with detailed towns, castles, and villages
  • New town menu system that makes interacting with town NPCs a breeze

Official Website:

“Single-Player Campaign”:


“Engine 1.4: Global Illumination”:


New Screenshots:

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