The brilliant anthology of SNK classics in SNK 40th Anniversary Collection arrives on Nintendo Switch November 13th!
Today, we’re excited to introduce one of the most beloved titles from SNK’s pre-NEO GEO days: Crystalis!
What is Crystalis?
Originally released in Japan as God Slayer: Haruka Tenku no Sonata, Crystalis was a game ahead of its time, sporting an elaborate story, advanced graphics, and high quality soundtrack. Today, that same cult classic returns on Nintendo Switch!
Awaken in a post-apocalyptic world, where the forbidden ways of science have been revived by the Draygonia Empire. Guided by the four wise sages and wielding the Sword of Wind, the protagonist must aid a fellow survivor named Mesia and combine the four elemental Swords of Wind, Fire, Water, and Thunder to create the legendary sword, Crystalis. Will he be able to stop the evil ambitions of Emperor Draygon in time to save the world?
Crystalis Trailer: