Today’s content update introduces Jin Seipatsu, a courageous boy stricken with guilt for the loss of many
innocent lives to the demons that plague his world and the evil known as The Great Void. Only 17 years
old, but with a heavy heart burdened by tragedy, Jin uses his sense of justice as a source of power,
helping the weak no matter the cost. Through his vows, Jin quite literally takes matters into his own
hands, fighting his way through the injustices of the world using his reliable fist weapons.
Jin belongs to the Fistfighter class among the SoulWorkers — a group of warriors with emotions so strong
that they’re able to manifest them into powerful weapons. Jin’s particular emotional power is Integrity,
which bestows upon him unique attributes such as the highest base hit points and area of effect damage
among all other characters, as well as his own set of specialized attacks. Select Jin as a playable
character class in SoulWorker starting today!
The new update also introduces a new raid that beckons all SoulWorkers. Those who have bested even
the top most level raids of this forsaken world have faced none like this. The Golden Citadel is open and
waiting for new challengers to traverse its mesmerizing yet daunting structure, composed of five thematic
rooms. The fifth and final room conceals a boss that’s sure to illuminate fear into their hearts.
Those who survive the Golden Citadel can walk away with incredible new item drops, including materials to craft newstat-boosting gear and more. To gain access to the citadel, players must first complete all casual raidsand then speak to Io in Ruin Fortress.
Steam: http://store.steampowered.com/app/630100/
Gameforge: https://us.soulworker.gameforge.com/
Content Update Trailer: