Lode Runner Legacy, the newest installment of the beloved 1983 Lode Runner series, is back-and better than ever! The modernized classic is now available for download on the Nintendo Switch, and can be purchased for $11.99 USD/€11.99 EUR. A free demo is available so new players can see what all the excitement is about.
“The original Lode Runner was the first game to feature a level editor, to which our new Craft Mode pays homage,” says Scott Tsumura, co-founder of Tozai Games. “When Lode Runner came out on the Famicom system in 1984, it also was the first third-party game to sell over a million units. Lode Runner Legacy really is about our appreciation of how important Lode Runner is in the history of gaming–literally, its legacy.”
Official Website: http://www.tozaigames.com/legacy/sw/
Steam: http://store.steampowered.com/app/628660/Lode_Runner_Legacy/
Debut Trailer: