The Party Platform Fighter, Brawlout, has announced its release date on Nintendo Switch for December 19th of this year. Brawlout will allow Nintendo Switch owners to challenge both friends and rivals on the go in fast-paced, smooth combat that makes full use of all the console’s play modes and portability.
To celebrate the upcoming release on Nintendo Switch, check out the brand-new trailer posted below.
To accompany the release date announcement, the developers at Angry Mob Games have unveiled the next special guest that will be joining Brawlout’s imaginative roster of fighters.
Introducing Juan, from the popular action-platformer Guacamelee! by Drinkbox Studios. The legendary luchador, Juan Aguacate joins the Brawl complete with his moveset from Guacamelee! Rooster Uppercut your foes into the air, bring them back down to earth with his Frog Slam and crack some heads with his multi-functional Grapple. He can even turn into a chicken and send his enemies soaring!
Official Website: http://www.brawlout.com
Steam Early Access: http://store.steampowered.com/app/263720/
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