The Clockwork City DLC game pack for The Elder Scrolls Online has been dated and priced: ESO’s latest DLC will release on October 23rd for PC/Mac, and November 7th for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. Clockwork City will be free to all ESO Plus members and available for purchase for 2,000 crowns for everyone else via the in-game Crown Store. The Clockwork City DLC game pack is available to all players and does not require ESO: Morrowind.
In addition to the base version, the Clockwork City Collector’s Edition will also be available and will include the DLC game pack, the Clockwork Skeevaton pet, the Kagouti Fabricant mount, and Five Crown Experience Scrolls. Players can purchase the Collector’s Edition for 4,000 crowns via the in-game Crown Store.
The Clockwork City DLC game pack will take Tamriel adventurers through a new zone unlike any other — Sotha Sil’s legendary Clockwork City — to investigate a new Daedric threat. The DLC game pack presents hours of fresh Elder Scrolls stories and is jammed with unforgettable architecture, strange creatures, and powerful hybrid monsters. Players will also find a new Trial – Asylum Sanctorum – that will test the mettle of any 12-player group; as well as new unique armor sets, customization items, crafting motifs, and more.
Prologue Quest — Now Live!
Players can get a sneak peek at Clockwork City content by embarking on the prologue quest, now live for all players, to investigate prominent diviners, scholars, and planar archaeologists who are being murdered by their own shadows. Players can travel to any local Mages Guild headquarters in Tamriel to find a note on a table titled “Order of the Eye Dispatch.” Reading the note will give the quest “Of Knives and Long Shadows,” and send players on their new adventure. Once complete, players will receive the “Clockwork Obscuros” memento in their Collection.
Official Website: http://www.elderscrollsonline.com
Steam: http://store.steampowered.com/app/306130/
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