Steel Division: Normandy 44 – “Second Wave DLC” Announced

Steel Division: Normandy 44 – “Second Wave DLC” Announced

Paradox Interactive, a publisher known for shooting from the hip, today announced Steel Division: Normandy 44 Second Wave, the first  DLC since the tactical RTS game’s release in May 2017, will be available September 21st on Windows PCs for $7.99. 

The Second Wave DLC rolls out four new divisions, including two Allied: the 4th Armored Division (US) and 1st Special Service Brigade (UK), and two Axis: 9. Panzer (DE) and 16. Luftwaffen (DE). Second Wave also includes an exclusive ace – Lt. Col. Creighton W. Abrams and his famous thunderbolt M4 tank, along with 35 new units, including the legendary M18 Hellcat Tank Destroyer!

This means Steel Division: Normandy 44 – Second Wave players will have an arsenal of new star units at their disposal, both on land and in air, as the game’s already giant list of historically accurate weaponry, tanks and troops expands even further.

In addition to the DLC announcement, a roadmap of all the free content that will be added continuously to the base game for the coming year, with a possible spill into early 2018, has also been released:

Official Website:

New Gameplay Trailer:



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