Developer Grey Wolf Entertainment announces a major update today for its pausable, real-time space 4x title Dawn of Andromeda (PC), available in Steam’s Early Access program. A brand new ship class, ‘The Titans’ and the much requested option to edit existing designs and retrofit ships, are now implemented. Moreover, the player will find new space creature types, late game events, Dead Stars, new backgrounds, new traits and technologies.
Mike Domingues, lead developer at Grey Wolf Entertainment says: “We are very happy to announce the release of the biggest update we’ve done so far, codenamed Titan. The past two months have been very exciting for us, we’ve received some great feedback from the community and we already feel Dawn of Andromeda has come a long way since the first build we released in Steam’s Early Access. There is still work to do but we are very happy with the progress so far and can’t wait to show what we have in store for the near future.”
Dawn of Andromeda is now available at a 20% discount this week on Steam. Publisher Iceberg Interactive is planning to release the game from Early Access in Q2-17.
Official Website: http://www.dawnofandromeda.com
Steam: http://store.steampowered.com/app/427570
Early Access Trailer:
“HD” Trailer: