Merge Games a privately owned video game publisher and distributor based in Manchester, England is proud to announce the launch the 3rd person stealth game, Aragami.
Developed by Barcelona-based Lince Works, Aragami is a beautiful 3rd person stealth game in which you play as Aragami, an undead assassin with the power to control the shadows.
As Aragami, players have the power of ‘Shadow Control’. The darkness is your ally and the source of your strength. Aragami has a diverse array of Shadow Powers at his disposal, like the ‘Shadow Creation’ (the creation of shadows on any surface of the scenario) or the ‘Shadow Leap’ (a teleportation mechanic between any two shadows). Players can also manipulate the shadows to summon creatures, engulf enemy corpses, create shadow mirages to distract enemies, solidify shadows into weapons or even invoke a black hole.
As you advance you’ll need to sneak past guards, teleport between shadows, create your own areas of darkness and strategically assassinate targets. Aragami has strong influences from stealth classics like the Tenchu Saga and more modern stealth gems like Mark of the Ninja and Dishonored. Scenarios are open and filled with hidden paths and ways to achieve their objectives. Aragami has a punishing level of difficulty; players are lethal when undetected, but outmatched in melee combat. Getting spotted might mean a fast death so budding Aragami just must carefully plan their approach and escape routes in case something goes wrong.
Aragami is available today both digitally and at retail for PC and PlayStation4. The game is available through all the usual channels. PlayStation 4 owners also have the option of a special Signature Edition version of the game packed with added extras.
Official Website: https://signatureeditiongames.com
Steam: http://store.steampowered.com/app/280160/