Square Enix announced today that fans who pre-order World of Final Fantasy for the PlayStation 4 computer entertainment system through the PlayStation Store will receive additional exclusive content that will enhance their adventure.
In addition to the bonuses available for the Day One Edition, this pre-order bonus includes:
- ● A PlayStation 4 system theme featuring the characters and Mirages from the game and
- ● Cactuar Johnny and Crimson Armor, two special Mirages to aid in battle
The Day One Edition is available at the PlayStation Store, the Square Enix Online Store, and participating retailers for $59.99. It will include the White Chocobo, Glow Moogle and Red Bonnetberry Mirages, a Sephiroth summon and a Japanese voice-over option add-on.
Official Website: http://www.worldoffinalfantasy.com
Official Store: https://store.na.square-enix.com
Debut Trailer: