It’s time to fight for the world of Erion in the Odin Sphere Leifthrasir Demo on EU PSN for PlayStation 4 and PlayStation Vita! Beginning today, you can try out the revamped combat (and amazing 1080p/60fps visuals) for the five protagonists of Odin Sphere – Gwendolyn, Cornelius, Mercedes, Velvet and Oswald.
Odin Sphere Leifthrasir is coming to PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, and PlayStation Vita next week on 24th June as both a physical and digital release. All versions will have localized game text in English, French, Italian, German, and Spanish.
The kingdom of Valentine was the most powerful country on the continent of Erion. Its people thrived using the magical power of the Crystallization Cauldron, but it was destroyed in one fateful night.
And so, a war over the now master-less Cauldron has begun, involving all the nations of the land and growing more intense by the day. Is the End near, as the Prophecy states?
Official Website: http://www.atlus.com/odinsphere
Velvet – Character Trailer:
Oswald- Character Trailer:
Cornelius – Character Trailer: