Crush Your Enemies – Delayed Until July 13th

Crush Your Enemies – Delayed Until July 13th

Big surprise…it turns out barbarians and calendars don’t mix. Somewhere between the rivers of ale and headbutting competitions, Brog and company lost track of the time. Well, clocks probably weren’t invented yet, but point being that Crush Your Enemies is moving to July 13th.

No political fluff. No fiddling with finances. Crush Your Enemies is a fast RTS for people who have better things to do with their time, like wearing cool skull helmets and battling death snails. And, you know what? They might be on to something.

Crush Your Enemies recently took home a bunch of Polish game awards, including multiple 1st place awards at Pixel Heaven and 2nd place for Best Indie Game at Digital Dragons.

From Vile Monarch (creators of Oh…Sir!), Crush Your Enemies is the latest title in a growing list of games to be fully funded via the Gambitious Digital Entertainment investment platform.

Crush Your Enemies is coming July 13th to PC, iOS, and Android with a bloody single-player campaign and cross-platform multiplayer.


Debut Trailer:



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