Paragon – Riktor Revealed

Paragon – Riktor Revealed

Today, Epic Games introduces the latest Hero to join the Paragon ranks, Riktor.

A cyborg with serious reach, Riktor is a melee tank who specializes in crowd control. He’s a powerful initiator who brings order to the battlefield by locking down targets and pacifying enemies.

His Riplash ability reaches out with his electric chain and pulls in enemy Heroes and/or minions while dealing damage. His Shock Therapy disrupts enemies by silencing them and his Skewer Ultimate uses a web of chains to damage and stun everyone in his path.

As usual, all Heroes in Paragon are free – players in Early Access will be able to get their hands on Riktor on May 24th.

Paragon is available now in paid Early Access for PC and PlayStation 4, and will be available in open beta this summer.

Official Website:

Riktor Trailer:


Free Beta Weekend Trailer:

Iggy & Scorch Gameplay Highlights:


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