Man O’ War: Corsair Update Massively Expands World & Adds New Content

Man O’ War: Corsair Update Massively Expands World & Adds New Content

Introducing the new update for Man O’ War: Corsair. Update 0.2 will introduce new mechanics as well as expand the open world experience of the sailing the Great Western Ocean and to celebrate they have just made a new trailer, which can be seen here.

Introducing the first of our new fleets. Khorne sails into Warhammer’s Great Western Ocean, and the world will never be the same again. There are three new ships to face off against;
* The Ironshark has a huge mechanical shark head mounted on its bow,
* The Bloodship is a deadly war machine with giant pincers snapping open and shut,
* The Deathgalley sails into battle alongside the other ships and is a deadly support vessel for Khorne.

Sailing in these vessels along with the more depraved sailors are the fearsome Beastmen, ready to face the unwary in battle.

Port Attacks
Every port now has tower defences, containing gun batteries, some ports such as Erengrad and Marienburg have formidable defences that only the foolish or brave would dare attack. Due to a ship’s cannon spread, most of your cannon balls will likely miss the narrow target of the towers. So if you wish to become a destroyer of ports then perhaps a more specialised ship like a Hellhammer would be suitable, or any ship that fires one massive projectile.

If you successfully defeat a port you’ll need to dock with it, then you’ll have a choice to:
* Loot (Grabbing what you can from the ports stores)
* Raze (Destroying the port and gaining infamy and losing favour with that race)
* Cannibalize (Breaking up the port to repair your ship)

We are pushing 32 new ports into this update much, much more than we originally planned, including one extra Kislevite Port, seven Orc Ports, ten Pirate/Smugglers Ports and thirteen Bretonnian Ports.

Orc Ports
Orc ports are floating wrecks and debris strapped together occupying the deep sea. They spawn defence fleets and raiding parties. You will be able to Loot, Raze and Cannibalize Orc Ports.

Pirate / Smuggler Ports
If you’re tired of working with the Empire and Kislev you can now turn your back on them and start the path to becoming a Pirate! Of course this will take time, you’ll need to attack enemies of the Pirates, and eventually you win favour with them and be able to dock in pirate ports, trade and get new missions. You will also be able to to Loot, Raze and Cannibalize Pirate Ports if you decide the Pirate life is not for you.

Bretonnian Ports
The open world of Man O’ War: Corsair is now significantly bigger, not only is Bretonnia open for business but all 3 Bretonnia ships are purchasable and new quests are available in their ports.

The Dragon’s Maw
If you’re venturing to L’Anguille, before you see it’s legendary lighthouse you may skirt the edges of the Dragon’s Maw. The Maw is a massive expanse of rock formations, littered with the occasional shipwreck. It’s the perfect place to lure an adversary if they outgun you. A skilled sailor can weave in and out of the rocks using them as cover.

The Black Leviathan
The biggest fish in the Old World is now in the Great Western Ocean. It is so large that it can swallow most ships whole. The best tactic when faced with the Black Leviathan is to keep it at range and drive it away with cannon fire.

Improved fast travel
We now allow the player to travel x4 speed.

One more thing
Having listened to the community we have developed the Captain’s Cabin. The first part is in update 0.2 and will include a waypoint system to allow you take a break from the wheel on long journeys, walk around your ship and do some target practice with the new small arms target practice system.

Future updates of the Captain’s Cabin will enable players to micro manage the ship’s performance and crew’s morale by assign work such as cleaning the barking irons! This will work hand in hand with specialist crew such as Ship’s Cook, Master at Arms and Trader.

Thanks for all the feedback and support on the forums, we are unable to name check everyone who has made a suggestion but we have read them all, so if you see your ideas creep into an update you will have helped shaped the game!

Full list of changes;
– Extended world bounds to include Bretonnia
– Added port defences for all ports
– Added ability to Loot, Raze and Cannibalise ports
– Added Orc ports
– Added Pirate ports
– Added new Kislevite Port
– Added Black Leviathan encounters
– Added Khorne encounters
– Added quests around Bretonnia
– Added more music
– Added ability to rebind keys (NB: tutorial UI not yet updated to reflect changed keys – coming soon)
– Changed how ships and characters are streamed to prevent hitching
– Game Time can be increased to x4 while out of combat.
– Game Time no longer pauses on the map screen.
– Right clicking on the map (or pressing control) will set a waypoint at the mouse position for the First Mate to steer to whenever the captain is not at the wheel.
– Clicking on ships and ports on the map shows additional info
– Camera is now stabilised whilst using spyglass or zoom scope
– Mouse speed whilst zoomed is now the same on both axes
– Sea monsters now drop loot instead of directly rewarding gold.
– Fixed an error with nulls in cutscenes
– Boarding: Headshots now do additional damage.
– Boarding: Crew spread out better whilst fighting, colliders improved.
– Peasants no longer sell blank treasure maps.
– Can transfer cargo between ships in warehouse storage

Man O’ War: Corsair Early Access Trailer:


Man O’ War: Corsair Screenshots:

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