Publisher Iceberg Interactive and developer Coronado Games are pleased to announce they have today launched their starship-building simulation title Starship Corporation (PC) into the Steam Early Access program. Starship Corporation is available for purchase at a price point of $ 19.99 with a 10% discount during the week of launch on Steam.
David Murent, lead developer at Coronado Games says: ”We are excited to reveal our unique game to players all over the world and we are very curious to see what kind of imaginative ship designs and gameplay strategies will unfold from the gaming community. We are eagerly looking forward to player feedback to further enhance the development process.”
Starship Corporation lets players become intergalactic manufacturers of their dream spaceships, big or small. Design and build spaceships for a hugely demanding galaxy-wide market. It is you who must decide which technologies to invest in, where to open new offices and where to establish new markets. Every little detail about your ships is up to you, from the interior layout to the location of each elevator, corridor and power line. Build your reputation by testing the mettle of your ship and crew in a series of real-time strategy missions to simulate emergency or combat situations, push your vessel to its limit and let the competition know just what they are up against.
Official Website: http://www.starshipcorporation.com
Steam: http://store.steampowered.com/app/292330
Early Access Trailer:
Debut Trailer: