The Celts Culture Pack enables players to embark on new campaigns as the Ebdanians, Caledonians and Picts. Alongside unique new culture and faction traits, units, objectives and a new narrative event-chain, the Celts specialise in swift and deadly warfare. Every unit in the Celtic roster has the Guerrilla Deployment trait, enabling them to deploy almost anywhere on the battlefield – even behind enemy lines.
Unleashing the full horror of the apocalypse, the Blood & Burning add-on brings blood effects, decapitations, limb-lops, disembowelment and more to Total War: Attila. Disease-ridden soldiers can be seen vomiting on the battlefield and decapitations and gore-slicked event pictures feature on the Campaign map.
Note: Blood & Burning contains mature-rated content, rated above Total War: Attila’s original age rating in many territories, check the product information with your retailer for more information.
Both are out today and available for purchase from Steam:
Official Website: http://www.totalwar.com
Steam: http://store.steampowered.com/app/343460/
Celts Culture Pack: http://store.steampowered.com/app/343461/
Blood & Burning: http://store.steampowered.com/app/335030/
Blood & Burning Trailer:
New DLC Screenshots: