Total War: Attila – New Culture Packs – Now Available on Steam

Total War: Attila – New Culture Packs – Now Available on Steam

The Celts Culture Pack enables players to embark on new campaigns as the Ebdanians, Caledonians and Picts. Alongside unique new culture and faction traits, units, objectives and a new narrative event-chain, the Celts specialise in swift and deadly warfare. Every unit in the Celtic roster has the Guerrilla Deployment trait, enabling them to deploy almost anywhere on the battlefield – even behind enemy lines.

Unleashing the full horror of the apocalypse, the Blood & Burning add-on brings blood effects, decapitations, limb-lops, disembowelment and more to Total War: Attila. Disease-ridden soldiers can be seen vomiting on the battlefield and decapitations and gore-slicked event pictures feature on the Campaign map.

Note: Blood & Burning contains mature-rated content, rated above Total War: Attila’s original age rating in many territories, check the product information with your retailer for more information.

Both are out today and available for purchase from Steam:

Official Website:
Celts Culture Pack:
Blood & Burning:

Blood & Burning Trailer:


New DLC Screenshots:


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