This War of Mine – Now 10% off on Steam

This War of Mine – Now 10% off on Steam

Just a quick little media-alerty thingy to let you know that 11 bit’s This War of Mine has just received a nifty little update, including three tracks from Polish punk band Cool Kids of Death, new character setups, enhanced locations, new animations and some bug fixes.

And yes, it’s still above that other war game on the Steam charts. 🙂

The team’s pulled together a nice little infographic featuring some stats about the game, including the fact that only 11% of players have managed to make it through, and that it took only two days to recoup development costs!

The game’s also 10% off on Steam right now, so what better way to enjoy a game that critics and players seem to really be enjoying?

Official Website:

New Update Trailer:


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