Sega of America and Sega Europe, today revealed the release date, pre-order bonus and Special Edition for Total War: Attila.
The award-winning Total War series of PC strategy games returns on February 17th, 2015 with Total War: Attila.
Set in 395 AD against a backdrop of famine, disease, climate change and war, Total War: Attila presents a vision of the apocalypse at the dawn of The Dark Ages.
Pre-order Bonus:
Players who pre-order from participating retailers will receive Total War: Attila’s first downloadable content for free alongside the game on release day. This first DLC, The Viking Forefathers Culture Pack, adds three additional playable factions to the game: The Danes, The Jutes and The Geats.
These warlike Norse factions have their own unique battlefield and naval units, missions, cultural and factional traits, and are poised to launch southwards from their icy homelands on campaigns of raiding, looting and conquest.
The Viking Forefathers Culture Pack will also be available to purchase separately from February 17th, priced at £5.99/€7.49/$7.99.
Special Edition:
- ● The Total War: Attila Special Edition, which will be the only physical retail edition available in North America, contains items not available in the digital version.
These are:
Attila The Hun Biography
- ● Written by Nic Fields and published by renowned military history specialists Osprey Publishing, this brand-new Attila The Hun Biography is based on the latest academic research and theories. Beautifully illustrated with maps, archaeological photographs and specially commissioned artwork, it details the life, times and dark deeds of one of history’s most infamous warlords. This biography is only currently available as part of the Total War: Attila Special Edition.
Reference Guide Poster
- ● This double-sided poster features original Total War: Attila campaign map artwork on one side, and a comprehensive playable faction reference guide on the other.
Viking Forefathers Culture Pack
- ● Whether pre-ordered or purchased at launch, the Total War: Attila Special Edition includes this significant pack of content featuring three additional playable Norse factions.
Official Website: http://www.totalwar.com
Steam: http://store.steampowered.com/app/325610/
Pre-order: http://download-store.sega.com/eshop/total-war/rome-2-4474.html
Pre-order Trailer:
New Screenshots: