Lords of the Fallen – Now Available for PS4 & Xbox One

Lords of the Fallen – Now Available for PS4 & Xbox One

Bandai Namco Games America and CI Games today announce the launch of the highly anticipated action-RPG title Lords of the Fallen, available for the PlayStation 4 computer entertainment system and the Xbox One, the all-in-one entertainment system from Microsoft,  across the Americas today. Developed and published by Poland based CI Games in conjunction with Germany based Deck 13, Lords of the Fallen is set in a medieval fantasy world ruled by a fallen god where players embark on a quest to challenge the lords and generals of a demonic army with satisfying action-RPG combat that will test players’ skills in both sword and sorcery.

Lords of the Fallen places players in the role of Harkyn, a man that has accumulated numerous tattoos carved across his face due to a life with an abundance of sinful transgressions. As Harkyn, players will battle in decrepit monasteries, dank catacombs and locations unknown across a planet ravaged by a ruthless god imprisoned for his greed.

Lords of the Fallen delivers a truly epic Action-RPG experience to players looking for their next medieval adventure for their PlayStation 4 or Xbox One,” says Chris Gilbert, Senior Vice President of Sales and Marketing at Bandai Namco Games America “The power of these next-gen consoles has allowed CI Games and Deck 13 to deliver a visceral and brutal adventure, taking players through Harkyn’s plight as he battles with evil with the hopes of earning redemption and saving mankind.”

“The teams at CI Games and Deck 13 have worked extremely hard to create a truly unique and hard-hitting adventure in Lords of the Fallen,” says Marek Tyminski, CEO of CI Games. “Lords of the Fallen has been a labor of love for our development teams; everyone involved can’t wait to see players sink their teeth into the game and have a go at Harkyn’s merciless exploits within the game.”

Players will select one of three classes to establish their battle style: the powerful Warrior, the fast and nimble Rogue, or supernatural Cleric. Each class provides a unique combat experience with different abilities and weapons to collect and use. A deep and skill-focused combat system gives players a large variety of weapons, armor, and upgrades to explore and test for powerful combos and added replayability.

Lords of the Fallen is available now throughout the Americas on PlayStation 4 system and Xbox One.

Official Website: http://www.bandainamcogames.com
Steam: http://store.steampowered.com/app/265300/

Launch Trailer:


Developer Diary #1- “Design and Implementation”:



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