Bosch’s Damnation – Launches on Steam Greenlight

Bosch’s Damnation – Launches on Steam Greenlight

With the release of the 10th Carol Reed Mystery, Tri Synergy and MDNA Games are pleased to announce their intention to bring the series to Steam.

Take the role of English sleuth Carol Reed and put your detective skills to the test as you explore various locations, interact with interesting characters, and solve challenging puzzles to solve the mystery of Bosch’s Damnation.

‘Bosch’s Damnation’ is a point and click adventure game that features a classic adventure game user interface. All Carol Reed games use still images to which a water paint filter has been applied.

The Carol Reed series has garnered a global fanbase, and as developer Mikael Nyqvist notes, “Each successive Carol Reed game has been slightly longer and bigger than the previous. Bosch’s Damnation is no exception.

The first Carol Reed game, Remedy, contained approximately 1,000 still images, while Bosch’s Damnation has almost 1,900.”

Steam Greenlight:

Gameplay Footage:



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