Pure Pool – Gameplay Trailer

Pure Pool – Gameplay Trailer

Many pool simulators have claimed to have cracked the game on console in the past, but VooFoo Studios’ Pure Pool offers fans the greatest reason of all time to pick up a virtual cue – it’s the next best thing to real life pool. Publisher Ripstone exhibited the game earlier this month at E3, and everyone who got to experience it in action felt the effects first hand.

VooFoo Studios has a growing reputation for superior game simulations with stunning hyper real visuals, from Hustle Kings to Pure Chess, and their latest opus raises the bar higher than ever. Launching on PC via Steam, Playstation 4 and Xbox One Pure Pool offers immediately accessible gameplay with high quality visuals and flawless physics, but there’s so much more to it than that.

Pure Pool is a socially connected game through and through and will immerse you in a bustling virtual pool hall packed with online players, all just itching to get racked up and take you on!  Be it in a one-off head-to-head or as part of one of many global online leagues.

However, the unique Pure DNA profiling feature even gives solo gameplay a social dimension, allowing you to practice your shots against friends in their absence by playing an AI interpretation based on their playing styles. Players will even be able to take on the developers, simply by downloading their DNA profiles – which will be free at launch.

Pure Pool will be available to download soon, but for now just feast your eyes upon what lies in store… and prepare for the most authentic pool experience from the comfort of your couch!

Key Features:

  • Photo-realistic graphics and detailed visuals
  • Seamless switching from asynchronous to live online Multiplayer
  • DNA-profiling allows players to compete against the play-style of their friends or foes anytime
  • A fine-tuned physics engine for super-smooth gameplay
  • Bustling pool hall for an immersive pool experience
  • The most authentic pool experience players can get outside of real life

Official Website: http://ripstone.com/#games

Gameplay Trailer:



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