Pool Nation FX, the ultimate Pool Simulator for the next generation is scheduled for release on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC via Steam this Fall 2014. As standard, your copy of Pool Nation includes the world renowned Physics, the much loved shiny balls, and is quite simply the best game of digital pool you will ever play – Pool Nation FX, brings you all this and more! It’s bigger, it’s better, and it’s even more ballsy!
Born from a team with one aim, to dig deep into the very soul of what makes pool so loved through the generations.
Gemma Jessop had this to say: “I happened to be discussing Pool with the lovely Warren Spector at an event, who said ‘everyone has a relationship with pool.’ This really rang true to me, and consequently sparked some kind of personal pool quest – to find out what makes pool special to you. We wanted to go above and beyond as a developer and really dig into the core of pool, and what keeps a sport like this current through the generations.
Pool, Billiards, and cue sports in general are played worldwide in various ways – differing from the way you break, to the rule set you play – and we wanted to find a way to bring pool to you, the way that you want it to be played.”
Pool Nation FX delivers pixel perfect graphics, a solid physics engine and epic detailed visuals. Pool Nation FX is much more than just a Pool Game – it’s a truly unique Pool experience.
“The first in the Nation Series, Pool Nation released on X360 in 2012 and in 2013 on PS3 and Steam, was once documented to be ‘the Pool Game that all other Pool games should be judged by’ – which for a small team like us, was a great sense of achievement. We knew we had set the bar high, and to better it we would need to think a little differently for the next version.
For me, Pool Nation FX was about understanding the love and passion players from around the world have for the sport, and we hope this comes across in game. The development process was a voyage of discovery, from pool hall to the WPA World Cup, we travelled to ensure you can play Pool your way. No stone was left unturned.”
Everyone has a relationship with pool – be it socialising with mates, competing in a league, or fonder memories of those younger days down the pub. Whatever your relationship, wherever you are, join together with one common goal: to play, compete, spectate and create great memories with Pool Nation FX.
Key Features:
- ● Signature photo-realistic graphics and super detailed visuals
- ● Practice, spectate and play live matches seamlessly online
- ● Quick Online Tournaments for the ultimate heart racing pool experience
- ● Every rule set catered for with our unique customisation tool
- ● Artistic Pool Championship bringing the impossible to life
- ● World renowned physics engine
- ● The most realistic game of digital pool you will ever play
E3 Trailer: