Battlefield 4: Naval Strike – Releasing March 25th

Battlefield 4: Naval Strike – Releasing March 25th

Battlefield 4 Naval Strike takes the intense and dramatic water-based combat introduced in Battlefield 4 to the South China Sea, available March 25th first for Battlefield 4 Premium members.

The Battlefield 4 Naval Strike expansion pack also introduces five new weapons, two additional gadgets, the amphibious hovercraft vehicle, ten assignments and the all-new Carrier Assault mode, which is an homage to the fan-favorite, Titan mode from Battlefield 2142.

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Battlefield 4 Naval Strike introduces four all-new maps:

  •         Lost Islands: Blow open a crashed passenger plane and capture fishing villages across these tropical islands.
  •         Wave Breaker: Drop a submarine on your foes as you infiltrate a naval base or rush between shipping docks and rocky islands on this massive map.
  •         Nansha Strike: Wage war across stormy seas in the largest ocean stretch in a Battlefield map yet.
  •         Operation Mortar: Storm an abandoned cliff-side resort, or get lost in the breathtaking vistas in this map.

Battlefield 4 Naval Strike will be available starting April 8th for non-Premium members.

Official Website:

Naval Strike DLC – Trailer:



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