Luftrausers – Now Available

Luftrausers – Now Available

Independent game studio Vlambeer (Ridiculous Fishing, Nuclear Throne) and freedom-loving publisher Devolver Digital today announced the highly-anticipated, long-awaited aerial dogfighting game Luftrausers is available today on the PlayStation Network for PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Vita, and for PC, Mac, and Linux through Steam and Humble for $9.99 at

The super stylish arcade shooter Luftrausers is calling all recruits to jump into the cockpit and take on more than 100 challenging missions in an epic battle for liberty and glory. Brave gamers all over the world can choose from over 125 combinations of weapons, bodies and propulsion systems on the quest to rise above the rest and become the best-damned rauser pilot of all time.

“Luftrausers may seem like a simple arcade game at first look but there is over $500 million in proprietary RausHard technology put into that game,” said Devolver Digital CFO Fork Parker. “Unfortunately, this means we need to sell 50 million copies of Luftrausers to break even so, you know, spread the word.”

“Screen shake makes everything better,” uttered JW Nijman, 50% of developer Vlambeer.

Official Website:

Launch Trailer:




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