StarCraft II Arcade Edition on Fight Night Starting Monday

StarCraft II Arcade Edition on Fight Night Starting Monday

The web-based eSports channel ESGNTV is bringing Blizzard Entertainment’s popular real-time strategy hit StarCraft II back to your screens this coming Monday, March 17th at 12:30 p.m. PST / 3:30 p.m. EST. Unlike the first season of “Fight Night” – StarCraft II Edition, this season will feature eight pro-gaming stars as they try to make their way to the final on the official Arcade Edition of StarCraft II.

This version of the game has modified game modes and custom maps to choose from, which require the pro-gamers to take entirely new approaches and promise an extra helping of fun for the eSportmen and spectators alike. The newly released “Fight Night” – StarCraft II Arcade Edition trailer offers an early look at the diverse matches.

For the new series, ESGNTV has enlisted gaming greats Dennis “HasuObs” Schneider, Manuel “Grubby” Schenkhuizen, Jaeduk “NesTea” Lim, Oleksiy “White-Ra” Krupnyk, Jong Hyeon “MVP” Jung, Ilyes “Stephano” Satouri, Kyeonghyun “seleCT” Ryoo and Giacomo “Socke” Thüs.

Spectators will be accompanied throughout the five games by ESGNTV‘s host, Dan “Frodan” Chou, as well as the experienced commentary team of Kevin “Harstem” de Koning and Nathan “Nathanias” Fabrikant.

In the first four episodes, randomly selected teams will meet each other as each player tries to come away from the “Micro/Macro”, “Sniper”, “Micro Arena” and “Starstrikers” modes with the most points. While the three players with the highest points tally after the fourth game will have secured their passage into the semi-final, the remaining players have the chance to fight it out in the “Raynor’s Party” deathmatch mode for the fourth and last semi-final berth.

A draw will then determine which players meet each other in one-on-one battles in the standard version of StarCraft II to qualify for the grand final and walk away as champion.

Prior to “Fight Night,” ESGNTV anchorman Dan “Frodan” Chou will present a roundup of the latest events in eSports and online gaming in the ESGNTVDaily News” at 12:00 p.m. PST / 3:00 p.m. EST.

ESGNTV’s “Daily News” and the Fight Night show air at the same time every day of the week. Fans can look forward to content in professional TV production quality and the most famous representatives of the eSports scene.

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