Race to Mars – Now Available on Steam Early Access

Race to Mars – Now Available on Steam Early Access

If you’ve ever dreamed about making it to our nearest planetary neighbor, Intermarum is going to help make those dreams come true with Race to Mars, a new PC game which is now available on Steam Early Access.

Race To Mars is a turn-based, space company simulation game where players become the head of the newly established company with the goal of establishing a colony on Mars.

You begin as a startup – develop cutting edge aerospace technologies and use them to achieve orbit and fly beyond Earth vicinity, blazing the trail of a space pioneer and leaving the competition far behind on your way to victory.

While the game is still currently in development and the Early Access build is not the final version of the game, players who jump into Race to Mars now can expect the following features:

  • System of gaining Prestige points, which show how your company evolves and will enable it to develop further
  • Almost all features in Administration building: manage staff and buildings, use the bank (take loans or deposit money), view reports, answer first questions from journalists and build your reputation
  • Answer questions from the journalists and build your reputation
  • Build Satellite Program which unlocks development of crucial technologies at Research & Development
  • Access to the Market which allows players to buy items like a rocket which will launch your satellite to the orbit
  • Access to the first Full Space Mission
  • Random events which will affect your company’s evolvement

Of course Intermarum is continuing to add new features which will be available when the full game is ready, including new research projects, new contracts, more market options (including selling services or asking for funding), achievements and more.

The game is ready for players to get their first taste today for $19.99.

Official Website: http://www.racetomars.pl
Steam: http://store.akamai.steampowered.com/app/257930/




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