Available now, Untold Legends is the first DLC for Blackguards, and features a new story of conflict and vengeance that sends players into the traumatic past of the former gladiator, Takate.
Untold Legends sheds new light on the background and heritage of Takate, the former slave and arena fighter who joins the player’s party in chapter 2 of Blackguards. Players learn how Takate became a slave gladiator, and get the chance to take revenge on the slavers that caused him so much pain.
”Untold Legends” offers new weapons, several new quests, more than 10 new battle maps and 25 previously unreleased music tracks. Priced $5.99, the DLC is available digitally for purchase through all major download shops such as Steam, GOG and Gamesrocket.
Customers who purchased one of the retail editions of Blackguards can acquire the DLC through Gamesrocket.com. Customers, who purchased the Blackguards Contributor’s Edition via Steam will receive this first DLC automatically and for free.
Patch 1.3, also releasing today for Blackguards, brings additional improvements to balancing and new insight into combat.
With patch 1.3, viewing Hit Chance no longer requires the Warcraft and Animal Lore talents, so players will always know the odds when choosing among normal- and special-attacks. A full battle log may also be displayed, including all dice rolls and combat events.
Patch 1.3 is available on Steam and GOG.
Official Website: http://www.blackguards-game.com
Steam: http://store.steampowered.com/app/249650/
GoG: http://www.gog.com/game/blackguards_special_edition
GameRocket: http://www.gamesrocket.com
Demo: http://www.blackguards-game.com/media/demo
New DLC Screenshots: