Rayman Legends – Now Available on PlayStation 4 & Xbox One

Rayman Legends – Now Available on PlayStation 4 & Xbox One

Today, Ubisoft announced that Rayman Legends has entered the next generation of gaming and is now available on PlayStation 4 computer entertainment system and Xbox One, the all-in-one games and entertainment system from Microsoft in North America.

With the upgraded capabilities of next-gen consoles, the award-winning visuals of Rayman Legends have been enhanced to show the hand-drawn artwork in even sharper detail and loading time between maps has been suppressed. Each platform will have a set of exclusive playable characters to unlock in the Heroes Gallery.

On Xbox One, there are two characters designed after the infamous villain from Far Cry 3, Ray Vaas and Far Glob, as well as Splinter Ray, inspired by Sam Fisher.

PlayStation 4 players will have access to Assassin Ray, inspired by the hero Edward Kenway from Assassin’s Creed IV Black Flag. Both platforms will also support the VIP hero, Champion Ray, who is unlocked mainly by the highest-ranked players in the Online Challenges Mode.

Each console will also have a set of exclusive game play features. The Xbox One version will include 10 exclusive challenges to unlock new achievements. These challenges require you to perform specific actions during a limited amount of time and are associated with various aspects of the game, such as player skills, co-op play, Kung Foot, and more.

The PlayStation 4 will allow use of the controller’s touch pad for actions such as scratching Lucky Tickets, as well as a new Camera Mode. In this mode, players use the touch pad to freeze the screen and zoom in and out of the picture. Focusing on the hand-drawn visuals and animated-nuisances created during development, camera mode allows you to share these treasured moments with the rest of the community.

Rayman Legends on PlayStation 4 will also support Remote Play so you can continue playing from your PS Vita while the TV is turned off.

Official Website: http://www.raymanlegends.com
Q&A: http://blog.ubi.com/rayman-legends-release-date-next-gen-secrets/

Launch Trailer:


New Screenshots:

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