Square Enix today released a new trailer for Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII featuring the epic battle system in which the Final Fantasy XIII series is known for.
The trailer guides viewers through the new action-oriented battle system where strategy, customization, and knowing when to guard or evade from enemies will be the key to survival.
Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII will be available for the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 systems and for digital download on the PlayStation Network for $59.99 on February 11th, 2014.
The collector’s edition will be available in limited quantities for both platforms and will be sold exclusively at the Square Enix Online Store for $89.99.
Official Website: http://www.lightningreturns.com
Official Store: http://store.na.square-enix.com/store/sqenixus/
Ps3 – Demo: http://sqex.to/lrffxiii_ps3demo (link will be live later this afternoon PST)
Xbox 360 – Demo: http://sqex.to/lrffxiii_xbox360demo
Evolution of Battle – Trailer: