In the course of the next weeks, Daedalic Entertainment will release a series of video guides on their Facebook page which will show new players the ropes of the complex set of rules silently running in the background of Aventuria’s world.
The Dark Eye is Europe’s most successful pen-and-paper system and has constantly expanded since its first appearance 30 years ago. For Blackguards, the world not only provides the continent of Aventuria and an environment with depth to it; Daedalic’s developers also faced challenges in form of a complex set of rules that needed to be implemented as true to the original as possible, yet still kept simple enough to be welcoming for players completely new to the Dark Eye’s world.
The Dark Eye’s rules are particularly recognizable when it comes to Blackguards’ level-up system and character development. Instead of classic level-ups, each battle rewards Adventure Points that can be spent to increase attributes like agility or courage, but also various spells or skills at any time. This way, developing a custom character from the base-classes becomes a very dynamic process. As Daedalic Entertainment recently announced, free character customization right from the beginning will also be implemented upon the game’s release, due to the feedback during the Early Access phase.
Who wants to take on Aventuria right away can have a taste by playing the first four chapters of Blackguards on Steam’s Early Access program.
Blackguards’ will be released on January 24th, 2014 for PC and Mac via Steam. The Standard Edition will be available for US$39.99/ €39.99/ RUR699/ £29.99 and the Blackguards Collector’s Edition for US$ 59.99/ €59.99/ RUR999/ £44.99.
Official Website: http://www.blackguards.de
Steam: http://store.steampowered.com/app/249650
Video Guide # 1 “Character Class”: