Square Enix, today announced the new Patch 2.1 update for Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn is now available for players.
Dubbed A Realm Awoken, the Patch 2.1 update offers exciting new gameplay content, including:
- ● The Crystal Tower: Reaching to the heavens, this massive monolith, long thought to be a legend from eras past, has been unearthed in the wake of the Calamity. What could be the purpose of this crystalline construct, and what forgotten relics now stir within its walls? Those who would unravel these mysteries must first win their way through the Labyrinth of the Ancients, the perilous maze that leads to the entrance of the tower proper.
- ● The Wolves’ Den: Named after a crew of Roegadyn Sea Wolves that first discovered this odd crucible-shaped island off the shores of Limsa Lominsa, this PvP Arena will soon open to all the Grand Companies of Eorzea, in the hope that the staged battles held here will raise the realm’s defences.
- ● Housing: The Lavender Beds (Gridania), the Goblet (Ul’dah) and Mist (Limsa Lominsa) are the three distinctive residential districts of each of the city-states. Enjoy creating a unique base of operations for your free company members to call home. Purchase a plot of land and then start your build, with customizable fixtures for the house, as well as interior and exterior decorations and furnishings.
- ● Thornmarch: The Moogles are trying to resurrect their legendary leader, Good King Moggle Mog XII. Will the return of this mythical being pose a threat for the Warriors of Light?
- ● Beast Tribe Quests: Learn about the beast tribes of Eorzea in these daily quests.
- ● Hildibrand, Agent of Enquiry: Nashu Mhakarraca, Hildibrand’s faithful assistant will need to muster up all her powers of deduction to unravel the many mysteries that beleaguer Eorzea. Unusual zombie activity in Ul’dah, you say? This smells like a case!
- ● Pharos Sirius: This abandoned lighthouse, strikingly pierced by corrupted crystals, has been made the domain of the siren of Umbra. Adventurers must venture within and defeat the seductress and her legion of undead minions if this beacon of civilization is to shine once more.
- ● Duty Roulette: The Duty Roulette allows players to enter instanced dungeons, trials and guildhests at random. There are four roulette categories, each of which can be selected once per day and adventurers can reap some great bonus rewards.
- ● New extreme battles against three primals: Garuda, Titan and Ifrit.
- ● The Minstrel’s Ballad: Ultima’s Bane Test yourself against the Ultima Weapon once more in this new hard-mode boss battle.
- ● Main Scenario Quests: Where there is light, there will always be darkness. The beast tribes persist in their efforts to summon the primals. The once defeated Garlean forces resurface, harbouring renewed ambitions of conquest. And the baleful Ascians lurk in the shadows, their presence rousing dark forces long since forgotten.
Official Website: http://www.finalfantasyxiv.com
Patch 2.1 Update – Trailer: